Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Day 219: Radiotherapy leaves its mark

Aside from the random traffic on the way to hospital, my radiotherapy went quickly.  I asked the radiologist about some itchiness on my chest; she confirmed that it is the result of the radiotherapy. Her advice was to keep the whole area from becoming dry and to avoid the sun (my whole chest on the left side from my collarbone to the midline and down is getting zapped). Apparently this area will be permanently more susceptible to sunburn. Finally, I'm not supposed to use any sun cream on the area while I'm having treatment.

The radiologist said that I needed to see Dr. Susan today as I hadn't yet seen her yet during treatment. She offered to call as Dr. Susan was at her office across the road. She came back to tell me that Dr. Susan had 2 patients she needed to see so I would see Bronwyn, the radiation nurse, while I waited. Bronwyn gave me some Solugel to keep the affected area from getting dry and, after confirming that Dr. Susan was going to be busy for awhile, sent me on my way.

As Wednesday is accounts day, I was asked to pay my $2,200 invoice on my way out. I'm looking it as 2,200 points closer to a free Qantas ticket.

While Mum organised dinner and the kids entertained themselves, I packed. We're heading down to Canberra tomorrow for the Easter long weekend.  Nick's parents are coming up to meet us. We're bringing bikes and planning to get to Questacon, the awesome science museum. I'm just looking forward to being somewhere other than home.

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