Monday 1 September 2014

Day 357: Yo-yo kid

Remie came into me at 6.30a this morning, woke me up and grumped about her stick I took away yesterday during her tantrum. After nearly 10 minutes of her complaining, I asked her to leave. It took a few attempts but she finally did. When she came back 30 minutes later she was perfectly pleasant. She is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and speed at the moment.

I had a fabulous swim in the sunshine after drop off. I talked to Simon, the guy who runs the weekday squads, about swimming with the group. I told him my background and he did a quick assessment while I did my laps and have me the ok. It's in my diary to start in October after the school holidays.

Alex helped me make dinner while Remie was at dance. He is growing up so quickly and is enjoying his status of big kid.

After a performance and a few tantrums (ok, there was lice combing involved), Remie happily went to sleep. Her yo-yo mood swings must be exhausting her like they are me.

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