Thursday, 27 February 2014

Day 171: Hanging in

I had a lovely catch up with Aileen after drop off, with conversation on so many of life's normal issues that I felt part of the world. She is due to have her baby around the same time that I'll start radiotherapyhich will be a wonderful distraction for me and a great coffee-delivery service for her.

I then went and home as I had a few things to get done. have made remarkable progress on my "to do" list in the past few days as I've spent lots of time in my office away from the germ-filled public. I might even get to the back of my desk before 11th March rolls around.

Claire dropped by dinner and we had a great chat. After swim lessons at the pool in the drizzle it was home time for all. Poor Remie was cuddly and scared and sad but couldn't say why. It's exhausting. My throat is sore and mouth is gross so I'm going to try for that hibernation thing I've been suggesting.

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