Sunday, 16 February 2014

Day 160: Feeling good

19 days after my last round, I'm finally feeling pretty good.  The horrible side effects have passed, and I know fairly well how to manage those that haven't, like my eyes. I even have a bit of my sense of taste back.

I had a great night out last night with my "triathlon team" (no, there's no race on the cards despite it being our annual Huskisson Tri event next weekend), their spouses and Justin. I dolled up for the event in my red wig as my thinning hair has gotten noticeably patchy. I stayed up past 11p and even had a few drinks! It was a wonderful boost for my spirits.

It's been a wet weekend, so we've done lots of laying low. Poor Justin; we are being terrible tour guides. I even had a lie down yesterday in prep for going out. It's been good time at home with all of us getting to enjoy time with Justin.

Just a few days ago I was worried that I wouldn't be ready to withstand another round. Tomorrow's blood test will tell the tale, but right now I feel as though I can do it in a mere 2 days and tick another one off the list. Pity I'll soon feel terrible again. After the last round I've lowered the bar: my main goal for the next 6-8 weeks is to remain well enough, despite any pain or discomfort, to stay out of hospital.

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