Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Day 42 (Tuesday 22 October): Pause

The house guests left this morning. My diary was fairly free. I used a few quiet moments after dropping off the kids to get caught up on admin. Whew. Other than that it felt like a day of calm before the storm of my oncologist appoitment tomorrow and the ensuing information to digest.

Continued thanks to all for your support. Bozo, Lis, Carol, V and Cren: thanks so much for your messages and the pearls of wisdom (and jokes) they contain. Sandra, your humour keeps me going. Sandy, you know I appreciate all you and Mig do for all of us; thanks for the chat today.  And thanks to my mother for preparing a little "care package" with all sorts of essentials to help me through treatment.

Emma, it was great to finally see you. Thanks so much for the idea of Champagne brunches"in between chemo cycles as something to look forward to (more on this later).  Kylie, thanks for your time and listening today and for finding the kids' book about breast cancer at the library; Remie loved it.  Sue, you are a legend for setting up the Meal Train. I'll post the link when I can find it so those who are keen to cook can book it in ;-). Louise, you helped infinitely in getting my head to the right place for tomorrow. And finally, my dearest Nick, I am eternally grateful for all that you do, even though I might act otherwise.

I'm optimistic that a good night's sleep will enable me to be as strong and brave as possible for this next step. One day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Sending hugs your way, Nancie. For those interested in helping out with meals for Nancie and her family, please see the following link.


    Sue x
