Monday 17 November 2014

Day 439: Resting at home

I woke at 6.45a after a restless night to the kids chattering. Nick brought me a coffee and I started slowly as the kids played with Lego. Alex made porridge for brekkie and Rosalie came at 8a to help get the kids ready for school and walk them down.

I was around the house all day aside from a morning coffee outing to Little Manly with Rach. I sent my party invites and caught up on a few things before a long-overdue visit from Bill.  I tried to sleep after that, but the sound of concrete drilling wasn't really conducive. I pottered for most of the afternoon while Rosalie did pick up and sorted out Alex and food. My first driving effort went smoothly as I picked up Remie from dance.

I'm starting to get a bit more sore as I'm healing.  The tenderness of the drain sites is rapidly diminishing as the incisions are pinching more. All things considered I feel pretty good. My arm has returned to its pre-surgery size and me hand is the best it has looked since it blew up in August. I'd love for that to be a trend, but the predicted heat in the coming days is likely to cause it to swell again. Time will tell.

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