Friday, 29 August 2014

Day 354: Support

I'm trying to listen to myself and respond to what I need now. I think this may be a sigh that I'm finally maturing.

First off, I worked out that if I'm going to swim as I've been directed to time and time again, I need to meet a buddy. Rachel was my girl today. It was dumping with rain but she ran in, so I followed. It was lovely as the water temp was twice the air temp 26 v. 13)!  The coffee and chat afterwards helped.

Secondly, I'm struggling with terrible Achilles and general tightness from my months of no regular exercise routine. Enter Renee, my awesome massage therapist whom I've known for nearly 4 years. Her massages hurt but I always feel infinitely better afterwards.

Finally, touching base again with key support people is helping me get grounded after our trip and my recent medical challenge. Alison was a great listener over lunch and offered all sorts of help for Remie.

Two hours after school of having Alex and T at our house making and flying paper airplanes was truly grounding. I'm so thankful I could have that as part of my day.

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