Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Day 135: Medical detergent

Michiko, one of the Breast Care nurses, called today to check in. I told her I was doing fine, gave her a quick run down of the side effects I am suffering and updated her on the state of my hair. She told me that I'm doing better than most people she'd been talking to and encouraged me to continue with the cold cap as it has many benefits, including promoting re growth (I wish I'd asked her why). We discussed my thoughts about possibly pushing to have my right breast removed, and she suggested I think about it over the next few months and raise it with Dr. Andrew when I see him once my treatment is finished.

Finally, I expressed my trepidation about round 4 next Tuesday, saying that I fear that the new drug, docetaxel (or Taxotere by brand name), must pack a punch as I am instructed to start my anti-nausea med, Dex, 2 days before. She informed me that's due to the fact that some people have an allergic reaction to the medical detergent the drug is mixed in (it doesn't dissolve in many other liquids). Yuck.

So in preparation for Round 4, my schedule goes like this:
Saturday AM: Get blood test done to check white blood cell count (I normally do this the Monday before but it's the Australia Day public holiday this coming Monday)
Sunday: Take 2 Dex tablets with brekkie and 2 with lunch, plus stop all naturopathic substances
Monday: Dex with brekkie and lunch again
Tuesday: Meet with Dr. Fran at 8.45a, then over to chemo cottage

Somewhere in there I'll have a drink to celebrate the First Fleet's arrival and thank my lucky stars I have awesome support and am in a country with government-funded health care.

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