Sunday, 4 May 2014

Day 247: Girls weekend away

I have returned from a wonderful weekend away in Byron Bay with some of my closest friends in Sydney. It took ages to organise and the postponement of an international move to happen, but it was well worth it.

Sue and Rach came with me to radiotherapy on Friday and we met Jenny at the airport afterwards. We kicked off our tour while waiting for our flight and nearly missed it due to a "little error" on the departures board that had it listed 25 minutes late. Oops. We flew to Ballina, hired a car and checked into The Byron at Byron, which was fabulous.  After relaxing drinks and dinner at the resort on Friday, our weekend consisted of long walks along Tallows Beach in the mornings followed by breakkie and some relaxing. We did make it to the markets today but really just enjoyed having no agenda and no one to look after but ourselves. Mostly we enjoyed each other's company. We did manage to ignore the fact that Sue is moving to London in a mere 2 days.  We will miss her enormously.

I loved that I didn't think about my treatment at all other than when I applied Solugel at bedtime. While the burn cream application will continue for a few weeks (I have a prescription for something stronger that I start on Wednesday), my hospital-based treatment will end this week. My cancer will soon be relegated to being a much smaller part of my daily schedule. I only hope it will consume less of my mental space as well.

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