Friday, 29 November 2013

Day 80: Upright

I spent most of the day upright, which felt good after yesterday. I woke up with a much happier head, drank the bottle of water that was by my bed and felt a bit more alive.

Nick dropped off my Honda for a service and inspection, and I managed to drive Errol to get him while the kids were at home with their yoga teacher. I did feel a bit like I was driving in a video game, but I paid close attention. Nick took the kids to school while I watched the French news (pity most of it was lost on me), then Mel, my friend and naturopath, came by with a large jar of what she called "witches' brew".  It tastes like "dirt with cinnamon", as she said.

After Kylie's visit and gift of veggie juice, it was lunch, followed by picking up Alex for speech therapy. He and I got his Secret Santa gift and a pressie for Remie's birthday party tomorrow before he went in with Robynann. I sat at the coffee shop across the street chatting with Kim, who happened to be there, and drinking a nice concoction courtesy of Nick, the barista.

Nick came down and we took the kids to pick up my car.  I dropped the boys at hip hop and headed home. I flopped on the couch with Remie feeling very tired.

After an early dinner, kids to bed and a quick phone chat, I am ready for bed. I feel ok but exhausted. I rinsed my mouth 5 times today and drank lots of water. I ate fairly healthy food (ok, I did have a tiny slice of pumpkin pie to celebrate Thanksgiving). Fingers crossed tomorrow is ok.

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