On the drive back my thoughts began shifting gears. I find myself yet again looking over the canyon and not knowing how I'm going to go getting to the other side. I'm not really worried about starting this next phase of my journey. I can't even say that I'm anxious. I'm starting to think pragmatically as it is fast approaching: I need to confirm that I'm due in at 8.30a on Tuesday. I wonder how much the cold cap is going to bother me and whether it will be worth it. I can only hope that my veins are robust and the IV lines are fine. I am curious as to what scripts will I be sent home with. Will I really need a white blood cell booster injection the day after chemo? What signs do I need to look for to know that my reaction is really bad? I need to confirm who and what number I would call for advice. I need to understand when I would need to go to the emergency room. And we need to have a plan in place for who would come look after the kids if I had to go in the middle of the night.
And there are less health-threatening questions: Will I make it to the assembly on Wednesday that Alex's class is presenting? Will I be able to attend his hip hop concert on Saturday afternoon? What about the school dance concert Monday night the 2nd? And Remie's MRI on the 4th?
Who ever called me a Type A or said that I over-analyse things??
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