Thursday, 28 November 2013

Day 79: A whopper of a hangover

I woke up about midnight with a terrible headache and went straight back to sleep thinking that was the best cure. Apparently it wasn't because it was even worse at 6.15a and my tummy was on a rollercoaster. I was feeling very fragile when Remie came in at 6.30. Nick whisked the kids away but Remie came back and read me a whole Billie B. Brown chapter book while Nick had a shower and Alex brought me a big glass of water. They all went down for brekkie and I asked Nick to call the chemo nurses to see if there was anything I could do about the headache. He came up a bit later telling me to drink lots of water and that he'd pick up some tablets at the chemist.

I got out of bed at 9.30a when Nick came back. A shower, a tablet and some brekkie helped me feel somewhat human, but I went back to bed within the hour. I got up for a cuppa and chat with Sue, then went back to bed. I managed to get up at about 1.15p to eat lunch and have a visit with Libby who'd popped by.

I was feeling passable enough by then to go with Nick to get the kids and take them to their swim lessons. As it was a gloriously sunny and warm day, I got in the pool myself and swam 200m with fins. Refreshing.  And tiring.

When we got home I left them to dinner and went back to bed. I gave Remie a new Billie B. Brown book for being so helpful this week and she came in and read it to me. Once she was in bed, Nick and I had a quick bite and watched the news with Alex. He was in bed about 7.30p and I followed shortly thereafter, turning off my light at 7.47p. That's early, even for me, but tough times require tough measures.

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