Thursday, 7 November 2013

Day 58: Final pre-chemo scans. And possible flu.

I just got my first sense of what I'm in for starting in 19 days and I don't like it. I know that I've mostly had a walk in the park so far and I wasn't prepared for any complications. At least not yet.

 I was at the hospital most of the day for my heart scan (as one of the meds in my triple cocktail that goes for 3 cycles can waken the heart muscle) and my brain, chest and abdomen scan with the bonus addition of a quick look at my squeaky titanium and ceramic hip to make sure it hasn't cracked (!).  I had 2 injections for the heart scan and 1 for the full body scan. As my injections have to be done in my right arm forever more since, w/o 24 lymph nodes in my left armpit, I'm now prone to lymphoedema, my right inner elbow is a bit tender. I also had to drink a special "barium something" drink at 20 minute intervals for the hour prior to the scan. I was happy to have Nick there for the hour and a half between the two (he'd just flown in from Singapore at 9a and swung by en route to work) for a debrief and wonderfully distracting company.

On my way home I had a yummy high tea lunch with Sue LP. It was a lovely treat after the scans and a great catch up. I sailed through the rest of the afternoon routine of after school swimming and getting another lovely friend-provided dinner ready.

All was fine until about 5.15p when I felt like I'd been suddenly run down by a truck: nausea, a headache and chills came from nowhere! I passed kids' dinner duties on to Nick, sat outside with a spew bucket for a bit, had a little episode out the other end and tucked into Alex's bad while he read me 2 chapters of The Famous Five. I managed to get up and move to the couch for the news and a bit of inane tele (you know I must be unwell when I do that!). After another bottom incident at 8p, I headed up to bed. I was ready to jump in to bed after brushing my teeth, washing my face and tending to my eyebrows (man do they hurt) when I raced to the bathroom in just enough time to hurl into the toilet.  I can't remember the last time I had this. Ugh. I'm crossing my fingers that its a 24 hour thing  (or less) or maybe food poisoning as it's Nick's company Xmas party tomorrow night. I swear I'll seriously appreciate feeling well whenever I do.

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