Thursday, 31 October 2013

Day 51: Cut through

For a very uneventful day, this was incredibly emotionally eventful for 4 reasons (in chronological order):

1. At the end of a tour of a local high school, I was talking to the friend I was with.  I was debating my decision of whether or not to try a cold cap during chemo sessions to attempt to preserve my hair. K simply reminded me that I have a limited amount of energy and asked whether I really want to expend some portion of that energy worrying about my hair. I love those key questions.

2. I emailed another friend who is a make-up artist and asked if she would literally help me put on a brave face when I lose all my hair. Not only did A agree to help, she replied in such a positive and supportive way that I cried.

3. I ran into a friend whose son is in Remie's class. W told me the story of how her son came home the other day and asked if she knew what is going on. He went on to tell her how Remie's mum had her breast taken off because she has cancer. He told her that I had already had lots of needles and tests and had been very brave. He went on to say that I will likely lose all my hair  "but that's ok because hair grows back". Bless Miss C and Remie for helping the class learn so they can help others!

4. A friend came by for dinner and simply shared some deep analysis regarding how far I'd come in 51 days in terms of my fear and acceptance, some reflection on how much capacity the human spirit has for resilience and some good old laughter. R suggested that, depending on how i look at it, this might end up being one of my better, not worse, years. There's food for thought.

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