Monday, 7 October 2013

Day 22 (Tuesday 1 October): Everyone has his/her own reality

As I was parading my girls around in my little Blue Glue bikini that I got in Bali in April (and swore I would never wear out of the confines of my own house), I started wondering what people might think of a nearly 50-year-old woman with a saggy tummy wearing a bikini in public.  I could imagine that a few would pass judgement, likely just in their own heads but possibly to their companions - like I might do myself.  It reminded me that we never know what is happening in someone else's life and why s/he does what we see.  Years ago a friend told me that he was in his own world for months as his mother went through brain cancer treatment.  I will try to be less judgemental and try to take other people's actions, reactions and behaviours less as a response to the world around us and more of a reflection of what's happening in his/her world.

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