Thursday, 24 October 2013

Day 44 (Thursday 24 October) : Processing

Now that I have a plan it seems a bit easier to process, at least in the big picture. The details remain challenging. I looked at headscarves today and tried to picture one on me. Hmmm. Remie told me the other day that she wants me to have a wig that has long hair, so I looked. Hmmm. I met with Emma, my babysitter/nanny today, and discussed things to get organised before chemo starts and the help I'll need once it starts. Hmmm. I received alerts from Meal Train from all the lovely people who've offered to cook for us. Wow. This is really happening to me.

You'll all be happy to know that I rang the Breastcare nurses and left a message asking when I can start weight-bearing enough on my left arm to start cycling again as walking just isn't cutting it (plus my hip squeaks - seriously). It's time for me to get my heart pumping again and flush out some of the fear, anger and frustration while I can.

1 comment:

  1. Love, you've got a plan, a team of healthcare workers you trust & like, and a great support system. You will get through this.
    And, my nuns are praying for you :)
