That's how the information sheet that accompanies the Solugel describes the possible side effects of radiotherapy. It sounds horrible, but in actuality isn't quite so bad (I will spare you a picture). It is getting very sore under my arm (I've never had a sunburn in my arm pit) but I'm confident that it's manageable. Dr. Susan gave me a prescription for another burn medication that I'm to start using when treatment is over next week. She wasn't too worried so I figure I shouldn't be either.
I went to the gym today for the first time in ages. It was nothing very energetic but it felt good. I thought I need to start at some point and today seemed like as good as any, especially after I had a great sleep.
Treatment has been quick in the past 2 weeks. I was out in under 40 minutes today, which included seeing Dr. Susan. Not bad.
I had the energy for two catch ups afterwards. I hasn't seen Sue L.P. in months, so I stopped by her house on the way home. Then Ing and I had a coffee and identified that we are stuck and it's time to get moving on finding something to do aside from looking after our families. I think 2014 will be the year to get unstuck (in a good way...).
Nick is away for the next 2 nights at a work event locally, then to Korea on Monday for the week. I'm away for the weekend to farewell Sue, so we'll be like ships passing in the night. Now if only the kids can help in the mornings I'll be alright...
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