Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Day 205: Stamina - or lack thereof

Perhaps starting back to exercise the same week as starting radiotherapy was not one of my brightest ideas. I can only hope that's what making me so very tired these past few days. I think I'll cut back a bit tomorrow in order to make it through the week.

My 45 mins at the gym this morning was anything but strenuous: my cardio was basic and the weights program was fairly light. I was still tired at the end.

I got clever a and made a green smoothie to take with me on the drive to hospital. I had the words of the nurse ringing in my head: "it is very important to maintain a healthy diet".  She told me this after taking my weight, so I figured I ought to listen. The smoothie doubled as lunch so I best add a bit more protein tomorrow.

I was in radiation oncology for 46 minutes today. So much for quick appointments. I waited for a good 15 mins, during which time the lovely 70+ man sitting across from me asked me where my boots (that I was wearing yesterday) were and that he liked them. Sweet. I had to see Bronwyn, the nurse, before I left, but neither of us could figure out why since I was fine, so she sent me on my way.

I hopped in the lift up to the maternity ward to see my friend, Aileen, who was waiting to have baby #4 by c-section. I'll get to cuddle the baby and visit her tomorrow after my appointment. I'm just waiting for the announcement to find out the gender.

I came straight home to have a nap.  It started very successfully (including drool) but ended quickly thanks to the neighbour with the saw. Bummer.

I think I need to make a few adjustments to be able to make it through the next 5 weeks. It's 8.40p and I'm in bed, so I doubt that can move much earlier. I'm just going to have to slow down and remember I'm still in treatment despite the chemo being finished.

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