Sunday, 20 April 2014

Day 220 (Thurs, 17 April): Treating the side effects of radiotherapy

Radiotherapy has 2 main side effects: "sunburn" on the radiated area and general tiredness. I am lucky enough to be experiencing both as of Tuesday. The tiredness apparently takes 6 weeks after final treatment to lessen; the "sunburn" will be at it's worse the week after final treatment then start to improve.

After treatment today, the radiologist noticed that my skin was starting to peel, so she brought me to a new nurse. He nurse suggested wearing soft bras, but I was on my way to Canberra for the weekend so I only had what was with me. She insisted that I keep the area moist and free from rubbing, so she showed me her trick: she smeared the affected with Solugel, then put a large piece of plastic wrap over it to keep the gel from getting on my clothing.  She then cut a large piece of stretchy "boob tube" elastic into a sort of singlet and slipped it on over the plastic. I felt like a piece of meat being cured, but it did make the "burn" feel much better. She gave me tubes of Solugel ("for ulcerative wounds") and another "singlet".

Mum, Nick, Alex, Remie and I had already been to the dentist for the kids' appointment on the way to the hospital. After my treatment we picked up Errol (the chemo car), who'd been at the garage, dropped it off at Nick's work, then headed down to Canberra. We made it in just over 3 hours (all 5 of us in my Honda CRV) and arrived to Nick's parents waiting. We headed out to a great dinner at Me and Mrs. Jones (thanks, Pruzer, for the recommendation). After getting the kids to bed and having a quick visit with the folks, I collapsed into bed.

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