Monday, 27 January 2014

Day 139: Supporting the conventional treatments

At the suggestion of a friend, I will shortly detail all the "complementary medicines" (vitamin and mineral supplements and Chinese herbs) that I am taking under the care of one of my guardian angels, Mel Koeman, naturopath extraordinaire. Mel supported me through my hip replacement and mastectomy, and her advice has certainly enhanced my body's healing abilities. 

On the food side of things, I try to have a veggie juice as often as possible (ideally daily).  I'm not particular good about moderating my alcohol consumption (it's all or nothing generally) and am genuinely tring to reduce processed sugar and wheat (man, is that a challenge or what?!), Though i am not very successful I will move to eating organically when I get organised. 

I'm reading a great book called "Anticancer: A new way of life" by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber (thanks, Emma Lane for the thoughtful gift ). His premise is that the increasing incidence of cancer since the 1950s is clearly tied to environmental factors such as diet. He suggests ways to boost the body's immune system. In additions to those noted above, he is a big fan of green tea, turmeric and curry, olive oil, ginger and certain fruits and vegetables. He backs up his suggestions with reasearch, and some of it is just common sense. 

The "complementary therapies" I love and have engaged in for years are massage and yoga. I also find a good bit of general exercise is good for my soul. 

I find it very useful to feel empowered to do what I can to help my body cope with my "insurance plan" of chemo and radio and stave off any rogue cells that may try to grow out f control and hijack my body's normal functioning. I figure there's not much to lose so its worth a try. 

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