Saturday, 18 January 2014

Day 131: The way it is (or "the new normal")

We had a wonderful lunch/afternoon with good friends Tony and Camille (my former Yahoo boss and  his wife), whom we hadn't seen in way too long. We hung out at their lovely beach house catching up and having a few drinks while the kids played. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and relaxing way to spend a Saturday.

As we talked about life's pursuits, kids and random events, my story unfolded. As good friends with histories, we agreed that it would be unlike me to fall apart in a heap in light of this challenge.  With reference to one of Tony's friends, he summed it up as my "new normal".

Along those lines, the other day I started thinking that the things in life that are supposed to belong to "other people" (divorce, joint replacement, cancer) are actually part of my life story. It made me realise that none of us are immune to big challenges, be they illness, financial strife, relationship drama or children's developmental issues. I found it funny that I've been surprised each time I've encountered one. I'm thinking I should start thinking that these challenges are just part of life and they present opportunities to expand my perspective. With that said, I'm happy to deal with just this at the moment.

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