Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Day 127: 8 more weeks (56 days)

I have been looking at my chemo treatment as something to endure or survive. Each time I get treatment I look at the bags on the IV post and think that they contain cytotoxic drugs that will indiscriminately attack and kill the fast growing cells in my body, both bad and good.  My visualisation that helps get me through "the aftermath" is focused on this sort of "attack on the rogue cancer at helps get me through "the aftermath" is focused on this sort of "attack on the rogue cancer cells".

I recently worked out that in 8 weeks, the lovely nurse, Angela, will administer my last chemo IV (barring any unforeseen circumstances). That is a mentally manageable timeframe.

I've been reading a few books on alternative approaches to either replace or complement conventional treatment. They focus on mobilising the body's natural immune system to fight the cancer cells that are present in our bodies. Makes perfect sense, right? Seems better that enduring toxic drugs again. It's all quite fascinating and will definitely be something I adopt to a degree that works in my and my family's lifestyle. More on what it is as I read through it.

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