Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Day 337: Diagnosis

Steph welcomed the kids at 7.30a and I hopped into the car to drive through the 10kms in peak hour traffic to get to my 8.30a appointment. Happily I made it.

Dr. Theresa was wonderful. She took a tape measure to my hand and arm then did an LDEX test which is specific for measuring lymphoedema. An average score is under 10; I got a 77.

Dr. Theresa explained that we needed to start with compression bandaging in the hopes of moving the lymph out of the arm, so she went to get supplies. She called it "a bit of a craft project" and set to work wrapping my fingers, hand and arm. This will be on until Thursday, when the wrap will be changed and kept in place for up to 3 days. Then it's on to wrapping with washable bandages until I get my custom made compression sleeve and glove, which takes 10 days. Oh joy. At least it's not painful, only uncomfortable and annoying.

I learned that the receptionists were not in a hurry to get me in because they thought I was a new patient; they had misspelled my surname on my first visit so there was no match. Thinking that I could've started this treatment a week ago were it not for this stuff up is indeed frustrating.

The upside of having limited mobility is that the kids were amazingly helpful this afternoon. They happily did  a few extra tasks. Alex even tried his hand at chopping beans. I can only hope it continues.

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