Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Day 197: Demystifying cancer treatment and reaching out

In my yoga class today, my ankles disappeared.  That's right - gone.  So I can now add "fluid retention" to the list of side effects I've encountered.  Happily it doesn't seem to be causing any issues, but I will keep an eye on it.

I've been told in the past few days by a few people that I've helped them better understand what goes on through a cancer diagnosis and throughout treatment.  While that's not the reason I set out to blog, or to share my experiences in person, I am very pleased I can help make what is perceived to be an awful and scary situation more approachable.

As a corollary to that, I'd like to remind us all that showing compassion can be very powerful.  When someone you know - even if just vaguely - is facing a tragedy or terrible event in his/her life, err on the side of reaching out; it may be more helpful than you know.  I know I've struggled in my life to find the right time to approach someone or the right words to say.  Would s/he want to be bothered when dealing with a personal crisis or tragedy?  Would my reaching out be perceived as intrusion on a private experience to someone I hardly new?  I can't answer these questions for everyone, but I do know that personally I have loved every bit of communication I have received. The regular support from those closest to me has keep me going. The messages that have come from far away have touched me most - people just wanting to tell me they are thinking of me.  All of these have been incredibly uplifting.  Perhaps they've been a reminder of how many lives we touch - more than we think.  In any case, when in doubt, call or email or FB message someone; reach out in whatever way works for you to let the person know you are thinking of him/her.  The worst it will do is nothing, and you might just brighten someone's day.  Thanks to all who have brightened mine.

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