Sunday, 16 March 2014

Day 188: Getting through it

Only 2 more black links on my countdown chain! They do seem to be taking an eternity to get through, but I am reminding myself that I am down to days - and very soon mere hours - until the rejuvenation will begin. This is the toughest phase because it just seems to drag on. Today Libby used the example of a big training goal and how one tends to be totally over it by the end. All I can say is that I'm looking forward to crossing this chemo finish line.

After a hot and sunny morning at the beach for the last day of Nippers plus presentation (Rach and M took Remie down so she wouldn't miss it and I made it in my own time), we headed home. I was dizzy and achey, so thought the couch or bed might be the best place to be, which proved true for the majority of the day. I alternated Panadol and Nurofen in between experiencing an big thunderstorm, having a family lunch, keeping my mouth washed so sores stay away and watching "Brave" with the kids. Quite an eventful day, I suppose, for not venturing very far indeed.

I was in bed at 7.45p and excited about it. I'm not sure which one is worse, but I am sure I'll appreciate being well again when it happens.

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