I went to bed last night worried that I might take a turn for the worse in the night. If so, who would I ring to look after the kids? I have key friends who have been legendary support, but a middle-of-the-night call is a big one.
Thankfully it didn't come to that. In fact, it didn't end up being about me when the morning came. My throat felt much better. Unfortunately, Remie had a few patches of itchy spots. So Steph took Alex to school while Remie and I went to see Dr. Karen. She didn't see any sign of infection in my throat and said no antibiotics as they'd increase my thrush (which is totally under control). She did say that Remie's spots looked awfully like chicken pox and tried to get a swab. She said we'd be likely to know in 24 hours as the spots would multiply if so. The only good news is that it'd likely be a mild case as Remie was immunised.
So we spent the day at home. Remie had fun doing her own thing but got sad when Alex came home as she hadn't been out all day, so we went down to Little Manly for a quick swing. After dinner and an oatmeal bath (doctor's suggestion), Remie got sad about missing school. She wasn't too itchy and went to sleep ok. Poor monkey.
Rather than lament my situation any more, I finished watching the first season of "House of Cards" tonight. Distractions are much better than focusing on the negatives, which I saw too many people do on Facebook today. I'll try to get back to focusing on the positives, like Alex collecting frangipanis for Remie to have in her bath. So sweet.
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