Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Day 148: Neutropenia and immune system failure

I'm looking at today as a sort of biology lesson. My oral thrush has cleared up thanks to the med and my cold sores are not painful but just ugly.  My eyes are dry but wearing glasses and using the prescribed drops help. I have a massive bruise on my finger from carrying in normal shopping bags (!).  My nose is runny and now, at 9p, my throat hurts like hell. 

5-14 days post-treatment I am in a period of neutropenia, which is an abnormally low number of neutrophils (white blood cells) in the blood. This means my body's ability to fight infection is greatly compromised and I am like open hunting season to lots of bacteria. Joy oh joy.  And my red blood cell count and my platelets are low so I'm tired and bruise easily. Pity this treatment can't be more discriminating. 

I have been counselled by my guardian angel, Mel, to get myself to my GP ASAP tomorrow and get a blood test. Nick just left for an 8 day trip to Japan and Singapore, so I'm hoping to sleep well and get on top of this quickly. 

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