Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Day 99: The Aftermath, Round 2

After being awake for a few hours in the night feeling not right in my skin, I was awoken at 6.40a to a lovely delivery of iced cranberry tea and some toast with avocado on a bed tray, all to accompany my first go of Dex (dexmethsone, a steroidal anti-nausea med). My gut was sore, my mouth felt funny and my hair kept falling out (I'm now sleeping in a chemo beanie to collect all the hair that is falling out at night), but other than that the day started off relatively bright. It had to: it was the last day of school for the year!

After a brekkie of scrambled eggs, Nick dropped the kids and me by school.  We picked up some sushi at the shop for lunch then headed into school. I felt a bit fragile (but not as loopy as after round 1) as I waited with some friends while the kids lined up to greet the "special visitor".  Santa arrived in a horse-drawn carriage and handed pressies to the teachers. Fun was had by all!

Next up were the K-2 picnics. Parents from Remie's class set up the table and the kids descended on the "brunch food". Miss C was given her gift by the class mums, and the kids did their Secret Santa. By this time I was feeling ready to go home, so I grabbed a ride with my neighbour, Steph.

I was feeling ok, but a bit tired.  I cleaned my mouth (can you tell I am fearful of getting mouth sores?), gave myself my Nulasta shot (white blood cell booster) and flopped on the sun lounge, strategically positioned in the shade. Jono came by to drop off some things before they leave tomorrow, then it was straight to bed for me.

I woke up 2.5 hours later feeling less wiped out. The kids came home from school very excited and went next door to Steph's for a swim with P and R.  Louise dropped dinner by, the kids ate and it was bedtime. At this point I could feel my energy dropping.

Nick and I tucked into dinner and then switched on the TV. About this point I started to feel like I had the flu with a sore gut.  So it's 9.20p and I'll turn off the light shortly. I have a bottle of water and my meds by my bed to hopefully stave off that awful headache I had on day 3 last time. Good night.

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