Friday, 20 December 2013

Day 101: Surviving

The kookaburras woke me with their morning song at 4.45a (!). Yes, tomorrow is summer solstice, the longest day of the year. That means early sunrises and very early-rising, loud Australian birds. If only that were the biggest of my worries.

My gut was still not happy this morning, but it settled fairly quickly.  After a quick brekkie, Susan came to do a little Christmas yoga with the kids.  Nick and i were treated to a fabulous "presentation" incorporating many of the poses the kids have been learning. The kids headed out on their adventures with friends again, and I was back in bed at 9.30a exhausted. I think it was already 26 degrees Celsius and was predicted to get hotter.

I got up at 11.30a feeling much better and had a family lunch as the kids had returned. I was still a bit queasy but ate fine, including my favourite ginger ale and Salada (Saltines) crackers. After some pottering around, we headed down to Little Manly beach, just down the road. We were armed with a kids' kayak, boogie board and sand toys. The temperature was reading 37 degrees so a swim was refreshing. As a total beach, sun and heat lover, I was disappointed to find that I felt really hot and overwhelmed by the brightness despite my sunnies and hat. I headed home after about an hour feeling tired and beat.

We had a few people drop by with food.  The kids finished Ing's spag bol before she'd left and Lucy dropped off some risotto. Rosalie popped in to say hi and tell us that she's home. All were heading out for the evening and, although I was feeling eft behind, I most definitely did not have the energy or desire to go out.

The evening routine was fine, with all tired enough to go quietly to bed. I was ready for bed myself after Nick and I finished dinner at 8p. I am feeling that enduring this round seems to be a bit harder. I loathe to think about round 5 is going to be like. I'm just focusing on taking one day at a time.

It's now nearly 9p and the thunder and lightening have brought cooling rain. Its definitely time for bed.  I am heartened by my cousin Justin's words of encouragement as follows: "I hope the bad days are few and we can soon look back on this time and smile".

1 comment:

  1. Nancie - thyrsa and i are thinking of you and your sweet family and sending you hugs and lots of xoxoxo's!

    Just had our first snow - typically for Seattle, it will turn to rain shorthly:-(
