Sunday, 15 September 2013

Day 4 (Friday 13 September): Thanks for sending me the rainbow

Perhaps if nothing else this journey will help ground me more in the present.  On my way home from my relatively early session at the gym this morning (I figured I'd do something productive as I wasn't sleeping and being with my thoughts was too scary), I saw the most beautiful rainbow.  It stretched across the harbour and I could almost see both ends.  I'd like to think it was some sort of sign but really I think it was just one of those "little things in life" that I actually stopped and appreciated.  

1 comment:

  1. As you may have heard from Dan and me, 'coincidence is god's way of working anonymously'. It explains why we needed to be together after all those missed connections he & I had in our twenties.

    For you, soak up these Remie-isms, rainbows,and positive swim-buddies, and feel like there is anonymous work happening on your behalf. If it makes you more present in the world, all the better. Embrace it.

    BIG hugs.
